Echte Kerzen am Weihnachtsbaum, die Familie musiziert, Kinder packen selbst gebasteltes Holzspielzeug aus. Klingt schön, aber alt und kitschig? Zum Weihnachtsfest 2013 haben wir uns einen Teil dieser traditionellen Weihnacht zurück geholt und dabei entdeckt, wie es uns und die Zeit erstaunlich bereichert hat. Grund genug, den Jahreswechselurlaub - entgegen meinen Plänen - mit einem... Continue Reading →

Im vergangenen Jahr habe ich meinen Blog wiederbelebt. Was ich in den Jahren 2003-2005 angefangen hatte (und dann ruhen liess) sollte sich nun von Reiseerfahrungen hin zu etwas Hintergründigerem bewegen. Menschliches Miteinander, Teamkultur, Führungsstile und Selbstmanagement sind Themen, die mich im aktuellen Lebensabschnitt umtreiben. Sowohl im geschäftlichen als auch im familiären Privatalltag. Während viele interessante... Continue Reading →

A while ago I stumbled over an appealing idea: Use LEGO for calendaring. It makes planning across a team easier, delivers instant overview and adds a tactile element which makes the whole thing much more fun. I did a quick research which showed that the idea is not brand new. Many people have created calendars... Continue Reading →

November 9th 1989

Our country's history took a great turn 24 years ago: The barrier which separated Germans from Germans for over 28 years finally fell. I was born in GDR and therefor remember that day with special pride. This event shows how powerful people can be. After weeks of civil unrest and months of demonstrations, the GDR... Continue Reading →

Last weekend I had the chance to go skydiving again, the second time this year (see some photos,Thanks Chris Ko for shooting with your GoPro!). Sounds great, but for a frequent skydiver, that's a pretty desperate number. As it has been this way throughout the last 3 years, I did not really develop my free flying... Continue Reading →

ABC of Living Decisions

[Update] This post from June 13th, 2013 came to mind due to a trigger lately. So I want to bring it to your attention. I've been re-structuring and updating it for you. I'm writing this post based on experiences I had within the last weeks. Achieve clarity within our organization with good decision making and... Continue Reading →

We arrived perfectly right in the Beaujolais region in France for a special weekend: Selected farmers open their gates to the public to show their love for the food they produce. It's called "De ferme en ferme" - meaning "From farm to farm" and a great chance to get an insight on how they work... Continue Reading →

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